
Yusra Iftikhar, being a medical student I have a tough routine, but as writing is my passion so it forces me to take out time for my passion as well. I was born on December 17th, 1993. I love readings book so you people can consider me a BOOK WORM. I am an outstanding student of my university, but beside studies I love doing writing. I love poetry and usually my write ups consist of poetry. I have attended many seminars and workshops as it is a kind of useful activity. I have worked in magazines as well as an ambassador, poet, human resource manager, writer etc., and in short I’m just that simple girl who tries to be nice to everyone, who tries to understand everything, I’m unique and awkward at times, but I can be funny or anything else anyone wants me to be. That’s who I am. 🙂

31 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Yusra, pleased to meet you on here! Hope we can share pinions and I look forward to conversation. Take care, James 😉

  2. Hi Yusra, wonderful to have you following dragonshades. Have fun exploring the past year of postings where every day has it´s own selection of colours. Feel free to suggest your own titles for the abstracts and relax into the shades when you want a few moments in another dimension.

  3. Hi Yusra, nice to meet you. I’ve been looking around your blog, and can see that writing is your passion even though you must be very busy with your studies.
    Thank you for visiting our blog and for following. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.

    1. Hi dear friend !thank you u loved that and thank you for following liking my blog. it really matters me 🙂 i wish i continue writing even though i remain busy, but thank you you liked it. stay in touch. and keep reading. LOVES 🙂

  4. I was also born in December…in a snowstorm.
    Perhaps that is why I also love to read books. Sitting by a warm fire with a book is like heaven. I like to write too…..and enjoy writing poetry most of all.
    I like the way poetry dances, and says a lot in few words.

    1. Thats really sweet my dear friend 🙂 i love it too !! and thats sometime make us sad and make creative things in our mind ! stay in touch my friend 🙂 LOVES 🙂

  5. Thanks for coming by to follow my blog, I appreciate it. I know what it’s like to have that double–the creator, the writer–as you try to get on with other parts of life! Best of luck with everything.

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